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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Always busy with.... Creative thinking and not following them,Cooking but not eating the same,Mixing but not drinking them...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

By Two Tea - True Bonding

These words are used here in India spontaneously to ask for a break in work,to share some thoughts,to analyse something or simply for timepass.Also whenever friends meet after a long time, first they ask 'How are you ?' and next 'By two Tea?'. Such is the importance of tea.If head count increases 'By'remains same but the count after that is directly proportional to number of heads.But its the responsibility of the person who is paying the bill to indicate exact number of Full Chai's (Teas) purchased.

We freinds have adopted this interseting part of our life during our Engineering college days.Most of them were away from home first time and this is when we really had a time to celebrate.This is the period when we realised the true value of friendship with chai.

During College days these are the repetative scenarios:

You have bunked lot of class and need to pay attendance shortage fee.
You went movies on weekend and purchased ticket in black for high value.
Arranged weekend trip to nearby place without informing parents.
Made few mischiefes in Labs which attracted additional penalty on your bill.
Did not note down in the class hence need to take friends entire notes xerox.
Browsed much more in cafe.
You spent much on outside food to avoid hostel food.

You did not studied at all and tommorow is a last internal in the subject.Last two you scored less thinking you will makeout in the last.You want your friend to sit beside you during internals.

Final Exam:
You need a viva questions asked by external to your friend who just finished his lab exam and tommorow is yours.
Important questions for tommorows final exam.

New Entry:
Freshers entered colleges and you want to show your friend one pretty girl you already started liking :P

Last day in college:
You are packing your stuff and memories spent in college back to home after giving your final exams.

The only words which may help you for discussion or to get assistance with your friends is ' By Two Tea?'
In the end you get help or not, you expressed yourself or not 'By Two Tea' has done the trick for Tea seller and Yourself.

Now we moved from Era of 'College Days' to so called 'Unemployed Best Days' (Neither you are a student nor a responsible person to complete client assignment) toughest days of our Life although no exam to write nor any project deadline to meet.

Now 'By Two Tea' pulls you to discuss 'Which courses to choose?', 'Where to drop resume?' ,'Where are walkins?','Can we use Forwarded call letter to attend the interviews?', 'Do we have any references in any company?', 'Who got job in our batch,Importantly when is the treat?', 'Good source for daily rotis? That too cheap and best', lot more!!!!!!

Tea helped to boost our moral , yes you can do it!!!! true we did it. I am not saying that Tea did it , I just explained Tea was a part of it.

As we moved into our professional life we took more time to think and grow as person whom this society recognises for unique reason, qualification. The time we spent for thinking is directly proportional to the Tea we had as single or 'By two'.When you say 'By Two' you have been always together with your Freind, Collegue, Competitor and Boss(the worst tea you had). Now you can see professionals working in any MNC will come for smoke outside but he wont hesitate to take Tea from the small shop.Status cannot be bought infront of Tea.

This proves 'Tea' is an Unbiased part.

Now Modern CCday's ,Barishta have made the places to hangout with your loved ones with full cup of coffee, but in your heart you will be missing those 'By Two Tea'.

So in a way Tea helps you to share Happiness, Sorrow of you and your close ones. This is just a thought around glasses of 'By Two Tea'.


AJEYA RAO said...

:-) Interesting observation. Nice blog

Girish said...

Guru, Nice flash back :)

Unknown said...
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