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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Always busy with.... Creative thinking and not following them,Cooking but not eating the same,Mixing but not drinking them...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Leisure (Life) and Work

Above label looks very short and sweet but understanding and implementing best practice of balanced life will take 'Lifetime’. But it is must and mandatory you should balance your work and life, if you want to live 25-30 years of your remaining life peacefully or happily or least living while breathing.

The work and lifestyle has drastically changed in last 30 years. I used to keenly observe my parents work schedule daily when I am young. At the age of 5 or 6 I assumed work is something like staying away from your home/loved ones for 7-8 hours 6 days a week. (My father and mother into teaching profession).Life as relaxing on weekends with some nice breakfast and lunch. Enjoy the festival holiday with new dress, delicious food, relatives, short nap in the afternoon. Life would have been more enjoyable when we were on summer or winter vacations (1-2 months) when we used to go for Relatives house, new temples, and new beaches and so on....So if you understand mathematics you will calculate the work as 17% time of a year.

Year day 365

sundays 48
Summer holiday 50
Winter holiday 25
Govt Holiday 20
Total Holiday 143

Total Working Day 365-143
222 Days

Taking 7 hours per day 222*7
1554 Hours

Converting to day 64.75 Days

i.e. 17% of year.

Looks very interesting and a crooked smile on your face right.

So I might be enjoying remaining 80% time one or other way surely not work. Earlier work and leisure had clear cut boundary i.e. office wall or Compound :). Once you came out of office compound you are celebrating your leisure.

Now myself so called Software engineer/consultant put my yearly work breakup on paper this is how it looks.

Year day 365

sundays 48
Saturdays 48
Paid Holidays/Sick leave 20

Total Holiday 116

Total Working Day 365-116
249 Days

Taking 13 hours per day (3hours for travel in Bangalore) 249*7
3237 Hours

Take Client call from home 8 hours monthly 96 Hours
Work on 10 weekends to meet project deadline 130 hours
Total working hours 3463 Hours

Converting to day 144.29 Days

I.e. 40 % of the year

Now Big question mark on your Face....

So Work in your life has been increased from 17% to 40%. Simple calculation but big difference. Now the question is not choosing the career profession it’s about accommodate leisure in the work.

You will tell me how to accomplish it. The ideas are most welcome until and unless I get the Same CTC and the same job profile.


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