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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Always busy with.... Creative thinking and not following them,Cooking but not eating the same,Mixing but not drinking them...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Leisure (Life) and Work

Above label looks very short and sweet but understanding and implementing best practice of balanced life will take 'Lifetime’. But it is must and mandatory you should balance your work and life, if you want to live 25-30 years of your remaining life peacefully or happily or least living while breathing.

The work and lifestyle has drastically changed in last 30 years. I used to keenly observe my parents work schedule daily when I am young. At the age of 5 or 6 I assumed work is something like staying away from your home/loved ones for 7-8 hours 6 days a week. (My father and mother into teaching profession).Life as relaxing on weekends with some nice breakfast and lunch. Enjoy the festival holiday with new dress, delicious food, relatives, short nap in the afternoon. Life would have been more enjoyable when we were on summer or winter vacations (1-2 months) when we used to go for Relatives house, new temples, and new beaches and so on....So if you understand mathematics you will calculate the work as 17% time of a year.

Year day 365

sundays 48
Summer holiday 50
Winter holiday 25
Govt Holiday 20
Total Holiday 143

Total Working Day 365-143
222 Days

Taking 7 hours per day 222*7
1554 Hours

Converting to day 64.75 Days

i.e. 17% of year.

Looks very interesting and a crooked smile on your face right.

So I might be enjoying remaining 80% time one or other way surely not work. Earlier work and leisure had clear cut boundary i.e. office wall or Compound :). Once you came out of office compound you are celebrating your leisure.

Now myself so called Software engineer/consultant put my yearly work breakup on paper this is how it looks.

Year day 365

sundays 48
Saturdays 48
Paid Holidays/Sick leave 20

Total Holiday 116

Total Working Day 365-116
249 Days

Taking 13 hours per day (3hours for travel in Bangalore) 249*7
3237 Hours

Take Client call from home 8 hours monthly 96 Hours
Work on 10 weekends to meet project deadline 130 hours
Total working hours 3463 Hours

Converting to day 144.29 Days

I.e. 40 % of the year

Now Big question mark on your Face....

So Work in your life has been increased from 17% to 40%. Simple calculation but big difference. Now the question is not choosing the career profession it’s about accommodate leisure in the work.

You will tell me how to accomplish it. The ideas are most welcome until and unless I get the Same CTC and the same job profile.


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

R12 Mock Implementation - Business Process

Natgeo Gas
Project Management
(Mock R12 Implementation Project)

Project Sponsors:
Not applicable

Document Owners:
Gururaj Gouda


This research and document is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real Organization/Unit is purely coincidental.

Table of Contents
About Client: 3
GAS Manufacturers and distributors overview: 4
Existing ERP/MIS tools: 5
Statistics: 5
Operating Structure 6
Existing Process: 6
Details of the existing Business process: (As-Is) 7
1.Procurement of Natural gas from Manufacturers and Local Distribution Companies (Buy) 7
2. Maintaining the gas in internal plant and procured from different vendors (Maintain) 9
3. Distributing/Selling as per the customer forecast demand. (Sell) 10
SCOPE: R12 Implementation Project for the Client Natgeo Gas 11

About Client:

Client: Natgeo Gas
Client info: http://www.natgeogas.com/
With the largest fleet of service society in Metro Atlanta, Natgeo Gas provides the most cost-efficient and reliable propane services for forklifts in the area.
 On-site cylinder fill, or cylinder exchange service available
 Regular scheduled deliveries from more than once a week to monthly depending on your usage. Will call service is available.
 24 hour emergency service.
 Fleet of fourteen radio dispatched trucks.
 Employee safety programs available.
 Cylinder storage racks and cages available in various sizes. We also sell tanks to those customers who would prefer to own their tanks.
 Cylinders available for every application.
 Parts & Service Center where we sell propane parts and equipment to support your needs.
 Service is always available to repair, recondition, requalify or move tanks. If a tank is leaking, our service department is dispatched immediately
Natgeo Gas works with builders who want to provide their customers with energy choices that make sense while enhancing the quality of their home. Our program includes underground tanks, contractor pricing and rebate programs. Whether you are building individual homes or an entire community, we can work with you to come up with the right gas solution.
Gas Price Programme: Natgeo Gas Distributors offers several different pricing and payment options to help you better manage your propane bill. Our most popular program is our Budget Billing Plan. This plan gives you the convenience of level, year round monthly payments based on your estimated annual usage. Instead of paying for your winter gas usage per delivery, you can spread your payments over a year. Additionally, you are also automatically enrolled on our “Guaranteed Keep-Full Delivery” service, which means that we will keep your tank filled and you won’t have to worry about running out of gas.

GAS Manufacturers and distributors overview:
Simplified Structure of Industry after Pipeline Unbundling

The diagram shows a simplified representation of the structure of the natural gas industry after pipeline unbundling and wellhead price deregulation. It is important to note that the actual ownership pathway of the gas may be significantly more complicated, as the marketer or the LDC are not the final users. Either of these two entities may sell directly to the end user, or to other marketers or LDCs.
The regulatory environment of the day has a dramatic effect on shaping the structure of the industry.
The actions of the federal government and its related agencies and departments can also have a significant impact on the structure and functioning of the natural gas industry.

Industry Makeup
Now that the basic structure of the natural gas industry has been discussed, it is possible to examine the business characteristics and relevant statistics of each industry segment.
• Producers - There are over 6,300 producers of natural gas in the United States.
• Processing - For more information on natural gas processing, visit the Gas Processors Association.
• Pipelines - There are about 160 pipeline companies in the United States, operating over 300,000 miles of pipe. Of this, approxiamtely 180,000 miles are interstate pipelines.
• Storage - The EIA maintains a weekly storage survey, monitoring the injection and withdrawal of stored natural gas. This survey gives a good indication of the status of the natural gas market, measuring the natural gas that is extracted or stored at any one time in response to the demand for natural gas.
• Marketing - The status of the natural gas marketing segment of the industry is constantly changing, as companies enter and exit from the industry quite frequently. As of 2000, there were over 260 companies involved in the marketing of natural gas. In this same year, about 80 percent of all the natural gas supplied and consumed in North America passed through the hands of natural gas marketers. The volume of non-physical natural gas that passes through the hands of marketers is very large, and can be much greater than the actual physical volume consumed.
• Local Distribution Companies - There are about 1,200 natural gas distribution companies in the U.S., with ownership of over 1.2 million miles of distribution pipe. While many of these companies maintain monopoly status over their distribution region, many states are currently in the process of offering consumer choice options with respect to their natural gas distribution.
The process of getting natural gas out of the ground, and to its final destination to be used, is a complicated one. There is a great deal of behind-the-scenes activity that goes into delivering natural gas to your home, even though it takes only the flick of a switch to turn it on. This section provides an overview of the processes that allow the natural gas industry to get their product out of the ground, and transform it into the natural gas that is used in your homes and in industry.
• The Exploration section outlines how natural gas is found, and how companies decide where to drill wells for it.
• The Extraction section focuses on the drilling process, and how natural gas is brought from its underground reservoirs to the surface.
• The Production section discusses what happens once the well is drilled, including the processing of natural gas once it is brought out from underground.
• The Transport section outlines how the natural gas is transported from the wellhead and processing plant, using the extensive network of pipelines throughout North America.
• The Storage section describes the storage of natural gas, how it is accomplished, and why it is necessary.
• The Distribution section focuses on the delivery of natural gas from the major pipelines to the end users, whoever they may be.
• The Marketing section discusses the role that natural gas marketers play in getting the gas from the wellhead to the end user.

Existing ERP/MIS tools:

Presently client using the EDI and Legacy system which cannot be integrated with oracle. So the existing MIS and ERP tool can be decommissioned once we get into new packaged solution.


Number of estimated system users: 100 ( Plus 20 Buffer)
Number of super users need to be trained in IT: 8
Maximum Duration of the project: 8 months

Operating Structure

Following diagram shows the basic organization structure for Natgeo gas. Natgeo has its registered headquarters at Cairo, Lake Forrest Drive, Suite 258, Cairo GA 30328.
Cairo also has storing units which supplies the gas to all southern part of Georgia. Their business process includes Receive and fulfills order, procure gas for Cairo and Sylvania via bidding process and maintain the inventory.This Unit is responsible for generating revenue, submitting financial reports and maintaining the ledgers. Most of the Natgeo business arises in this corporate sale office.

Fig 1.6
Sylvania, ABC West, Marine drive, GA 30358. Acts as a major supplier for defense wing. This organization only receives order and get the material procured from Cairo. It handles only shipping and maintaining inventory for Natgeo.
Oakwood, P.O. Box 99, Oakwood, Georgia,30566 is the biggest storing plant among all the 3. It works as procuring and selling unit for Natgeo. All north and West Georgia Commercial and domestic needs are fulfilled by the Oakwood plant.
Existing Process:
Existing Business process can be divided into 3 major sections
1. Procurement of Natural gas from different Manufacturers and Local Distribution Companies (Buy)
2. Maintaining the gas in internal plant and procured from different vendors (Maintain)
3. Distributing/Selling as per the customer forecast demand.(Sell)

Details of the existing Business process: (As-Is)
1.Procurement of Natural gas from Manufacturers and Local Distribution Companies (Buy)

When procuring Natural Gas Natgeo will select suitable suppliers of the item to be purchased from among registered suppliers. As a rule, tenders will be by competitive bidding between selected suppliers. However, in certain cases, a specific supplier may be designated based on patent rights held by that supplier, compatibility with the existing facilities, whether they are the sole supplier of a given item, or similar situations.
A request for tenders indicating the conditions of the tender, contract conditions, and tender specifications will be provided to potential suppliers who will be invited to submit tender proposals.
In addition to the proposal made in accordance with the tender specification, alternative proposals containing additional cost-saving options other than as specified by Natgeo in the tender specification may be submitted provided that such alternatives meet the performance and function requirements as specified in the tender specification.
In cases where any changes could result in a change in the bid price, the supplier will be asked to submit such price adjustment and explanation.
Natgeo will award the Long term contract (Least 3 months to Max of 6 months) for the specific supplier based on the price and the strict delivery dates. This contract can be renewed via new tendering process on every quarter if required.
Products are to be delivered as agreed to in the contract. Natgeo reserves the right to claim liquidated damages if delivery is delayed beyond the specified delivery deadline. Payments are made once commodity is received and QA is passed. There will not be delay of 15 days after the commodity passed QA test.

Flow Chart for BUY process:
Department/Users Business events
Procurement Refer the demand schedule

Refer the previous bids/quotes/Blankets if any

Raise RFQ for the suppliers

Get quotes from suppliers

Award quotes based on the price and date schedule

Issue Blanket agreement for the awardee

Monitor Supplier activities

Issue order based on demand schedule.

Receiving Dept receive the goods and Inspect.

Payables Pay for the Quality accepted

Close the books monthly

Finance Check for any discrepancies , report the same to Procurement dept. or fix .
Fig 1.2

2. Maintaining the gas in internal plant and procured from different vendors (Maintain)
Natgeo gas has 3three different reservoir plants in Cairo, Oakwood and Sylvania.

Natural Gas is usually measured by volume and is stated in cubic feet. The gas procured from the vendor is inspected and once it passes the QA will be transferred to the respective containers.

One tanker will store only one lot from a single supplier. There are around 35 storage tankers spread across 3 different cities in Natgeo which act as storing reservoirs. Stock person is responsible for checking and maintaining the exact quantity as per safety norms.

Monthly maintenance will be scheduled all tankers/reservoirs on 2nd Sunday of every month.

Natgeo gas maintains following 8 grades of natural gas depending on the usage and consumption pattern.

3. Distributing/Selling as per the customer forecast demand. (Sell)

The following figure illustrates the ‘Sell’ process for the Natgeo gas. The shipping may be via existing pipeline or through road, rail and ship. Marketing department is responsible for taking the orders and taking approval from the respective business head.

Shipping/Stock personnel takes care of shipping the natural gas grade to the respective end customers.

Receivables department set the credit option for the low profile customers and the payment need to be collected from the end customer within 20 days from the date of delivery.

Blanket sale agreement will be issued to the Industrial End customers who require staggered shipments.

If the Grade8- Propane - Defense only , need to be shipped in the Sylvania , Natgeo gas adopts drop ship process from the few suppliers in the Cairo city to reduce the shipping cost and to meet the scheduled ship date.

They use the 3rd party tool ORDER_DYNAMICS for booking the order for regular orders ( excluding the Blanket and drop ship process). This needs to be integrated with the new package. Regular orders would/will be entered in the old ERP tool.

Booking and shipping process will be implemented in the new ERP package solution.

SCOPE: R12 Implementation Project for the Client Natgeo Gas

We will choose Oracle apps package solution to map the above process and build the rigid system which will help partner to smoothen their business flows as well as help the top management to keep eye on their financial aspects at any point of time.
ERP: Oracle e-Business suite Release 12
Nature: Implementation and Post go live support

Area Modules Integration with existing system
Common Oracle Financials
Oracle Cash Management
BUY Oracle Procurement
Oracle Sourcing
Oracle Payables
Maintain Oracle Inventory
Oracle Enterprise Asset Management
Sell Oracle Order Management Yes (ORDER_DYNAMICS)
Oracle Receivables

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